Grandma Wura is a riveting senior citizen (a grandmother character) dedicated to raising a new generation of African global leaders. She does this via stage drama, radio dramas and live performances at schools. Back in the days, family time was characterised by the elderly telling stories under the moonlight; for a lot of adults now, those are some of their best memories but children of this generation are not privileged with a similar experience. This is was birthed the character of Grandma Wura. Grandma Wura stands as a bridge between the old and the new; she understands both worlds and has the skill and heart of mixing both worlds to tell captivating and value-filled stories.

Every family with a Grandmother can relate to Grandma Wura and those without can see her as a stand-in (to teach and guide them). With Grandma Wura, we are solving the leadership problem of Africa from the cradle stage by restoring values to families and by so doing restoring values to the society. 

Since 2015, Grandma Wura’s story theatre has reached over 8,000 people in 44 shows. She is not stopping soon


Assembly Time With Grandma Wura is geared towards raising a new generation of leaders that are equipped with the right values for leadership using African storytelling and music as an educational tool. Grandma Wura visits schools where she has the opportunity to interact directly with children and give them an interesting performance filled with life and leadership lessons. These performances typically occur for 30-mins during assembly time at each school and can be tailored to fit the curricular needs of each school.

Assembly Time with Grandma Wura has taken off for 100 school visitations, so far.